Mid-Year Review (6 Questions to Ask Yourself 6 Months In)
Happy Mid-Year!
This has become one of my favorite times of year - as much as New Years. Because it marks the half-way point of the year, which can also be a great time for self-reflection, assessment, goal setting, and even celebrations!
(Yes, don’t forget to celebrate too! Admittedly, we have not been great about celebrating our wins, but having more frequent reflections or checkpoints forces us to be reminded of what we DID accomplish and that we should celebrate those things!)
So to celebrate this milestone of the year, we’ve put together...
6 Questions to Ask Yourself 6 Months In!
What did I accomplish?
I guarantee you did a lot more in the last 6 months than you think you did. Take some time to remember all the cool things you did. Don’t let them be overshadowed by the challenging times. Celebrate what was good. Give yourself a pat on the back for those things!
What am I happy with/proud of?
Big things will come to mind easily, but also try to shine light on the little things. Are you proud of yourself for getting better about setting boundaries? Did you at least get better at drinking more water each day?
It’s important to recognize things to be proud of yourself for. You NEED to make those positive deposits into your emotional bank account. You also want to take note of your strengths because you can use that as a springboard for making other positive changes too!
This is the space for those New Year Resolutions you set, but didn’t follow through on past January 10. What things were forgotten once life got in the way or what new things have come into your life that you want to focus on now? But in considering these things make sure to ask yourself the next question….
Are my goals or aspirations my own? WHY are these things important to me?
Whatever goals or aspirations you set for yourself, you want to make sure that they are YOUR OWN. It’s easy to get caught up in chasing dreams we think we should have, or that someone else has for us, or that was imprinted on us before we were aware enough to make our own decisions about our life. So first, make sure YOU really want what you are after. And then….
Take time to think about, or even better - write about - WHY your goals/aspirations are important to you. This might help you realize that something you thought was important to you, really is only something you feel like you SHOULD do. And it can also help you highlight what IS most important to you and give you the motivation to really go for it. Once you have goals or intentions set for yourself, you’ll want to review your “why” frequently (we recommend daily!)
What did you or can you choose to let go of to make space for something more important to you?
Whoaaaaa, this is a big one. You can’t chase everything at once. And sometimes it’s important to evaluate what is ACTUALLY important, and what could you let fall by the wayside? There are only 24 hours in the day. If you need to make time for something that is super important to you, then you need to make some ruthless decisions about cutting other things out that are draining you of your time and energy, or just being a distraction.
As much as we tend to ask what we want to DO, it can be just as important to ask “What should I STOP doing?”
What can you do to make the second half of this year even better?
All of this reflecting on the last 6 months is for one thing - to see how can we do it better? How can we live the next 6 months more fully and more in alignment? What can we do to start living the life of your dreams?
There’s no better time than now to begin because ALL of your power is in the present!
May you have the most amazing, most blessed next 6 months of all your life!
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