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The VegUp Podcast is where we talk mindset, psychology, plant based nutrition, lifestyle and big dreams! So if you want to master a vegan diet, your mind, life and unlock whole other levels of success... It begins here!



Air Fryer Product Review - Should You Get One? What Does It Do?

If you follow us anywhere - on Instagram or Facebook - you've undoubtedly heard Fraser talking about his air fryer.  So what is this gadget?  How does it work?  And would it benefit...

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Vegan Holiday Roast Review


Tis the season for vegan roast feasts!!!! :D

Ok, so we picked up these 3 beauties that were available at our local Whole Foods for Thanksgiving.  I wanted to try the different ones so...

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Vegan Holiday Nog Review


Hey Guys!

I hope you're all getting into festive, holiday spirits! :)

I love trying all the yummy holiday plant-based foods that are popping up in all the stores, so I decided to do this...

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