Vegan Holiday Nog Review
Hey Guys!
I hope you're all getting into festive, holiday spirits! :)
I love trying all the yummy holiday plant-based foods that are popping up in all the stores, so I decided to do this little Vegan Holiday Nog blind taste-test and review for you all!
Because honestly, I was standing in the store debating which ones to buy because I didn't know which one was best! And I know a lot of you haven't tried these before and so you're in the same boat - trying to make a decision and having no clue which one to choose!
Watch the video we did here, and then scroll below for some more details about the different varieties. :)
So here are a few bullet points on some things I want to point out:
- Overall Winner....well, you watched the video, didn't you?! If not, quit cheating and go back to watch it! ;)
- Califia Farms is substantially more expensive, but it is also a larger quantity - but you don't want to buy more if it's not the one you like, right?!
- The winner I chose was even ON SALE for $2.50?! I mean, come on can you beat that?!
- The winner is also available in lots of different stores - I found it both at Whole Foods AND Target so far. I believe even Wal-mart has it!
I hope you guys had fun with this little experiment and I hope it saves you some time and $$$ this holiday season when you go out to buy some Holiday Nog to share with your friends and family! :)
Happy Holidays!!!
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