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The VegUp Podcast is where we talk mindset, psychology, plant based nutrition, lifestyle and big dreams! So if you want to master a vegan diet, your mind, life and unlock whole other levels of success... It begins here!



Mid-Year Review (6 Questions to Ask Yourself 6 Months In)

Happy Mid-Year! 

This has become one of my favorite times of year - as much as New Years. Because it marks the half-way point of the year, which can also be a great time for self-reflection,...

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The 7 Biggest Mistakes People Make/Challenges They Face When Going Vegan (& Solutions Of Course!)


Part of our mission is to help everyone be successful on a plant-based diet and enjoy better lives and better health than they ever have before!  But let's face it - learning something...

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Leaping Into Uncertainty & The Unknown - Personal Growth

Hey guys, check it out - this is a GREAT personal development/mindset video that Fraser did live from our Facebook page!  

It was such a gem, packed with very valuable lessons, that I...

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The Mask Of Masculinityā€™s Missing Chapter - The Meat Eating Mask


Podcaster and author Lewis Howes recently wrote an amazing book called The Mask of Masculinity - a profound book that reveals the emotional states of men and the various...

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3 Steps To Achieving Everything You Want In 2017 - With LESS Stress Than Ever Before!


You know the deal - it's New Year Resolution time…

People get excited about it every year (and rightfully so, it is one of my favorite times of year as well), but most people never...

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The ONLY Reason Why You Failed To Achieve Your Goals In 2016


I have good news and bad news -

The bad news: you probably didn't achieve everything (or anything) you wanted to in 2016.

The good news:  there's really only 1 very simple reason why...

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Fraser's EVOLUTION From Butcher To Vegan Bodybuilder - Part 4


On the 27th of December I went 100% plant strong. I had gotten to the point where I was eating 2 whole eggs from the farmer's market and ½ a cup of egg whites. I thought to hell with...

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Fraser's EVOLUTION From Butcher To Vegan Bodybuilder - Part 3


Hey guys, if you haven't read the first 2 parts of this story, check them out here:
Part 1
Part 2

Now onto this Part 3.... ;)

It helped that Lauren bought a vegan cookbook called Thug Kitchen....

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Fraser's EVOLUTION From Butcher To Vegan Bodybuilder - Part 2


If you haven't yet read PART 1 of this story, start there first.

Now to continue the journey...

As a bodybuilder I would eat animal products all day every day. They were the staple foods in...

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Fraser's EVOLUTION From Butcher To Vegan Bodybuilder - Part 1

I never expected I would be here writing this.

For the longest time the idea of veganism or a 100% plant based diet seemed so foreign and even ridiculous to me.

After all, I was a butcher for 6...

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